Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't pray, do something instead!

So I've been working on getting an employment visa to teach overseas in India, and it's been quite the struggle. I was under contract to begin working July 26th - nearly a month ago - but as you may have guessed I'm still stuck here in Canada.

Well, after about 7 weeks of fucked up politics and pointless thumb-twiddling, I'm about ready to give up. Last I heard, the consulate is waiting for some unnecessary document from some useless ministry, and I'm just sitting here decomposing...
Anyway, people keep telling me they are praying for me, and praying for these documents to arrive, and praying that everything works out. The problem is that no one is really doing anything. It's no secret that I don't believe in God, but even if I did, he is really of no help to me during this process. Who controls the speed of the mail? Well, aside from obvious limitations due to physics and technology, the mailman does. Who controls whether or not I get the visa stamp in my passport? The dude at the Indian consulate of course. Who controls whether or not I still have a job offer down the line? The head of Science at my school, obviously. I could continue, but there's really no point.

If I wasn't putting constant pressure on my school, the government, and the Indian consulate in Canada, this whole process would grind to a halt like an obese hamster. Seriously, take a break from prayer and start typing some emails! Make a few phone calls! I applied for a Japanese visa a few years ago and got it in no time. Could this be because they were working instead of trying to convince God to fill out some paperwork? Seems probable.

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